Alois×Hanneman Support Conversations
C Support
ハンネマン: ふむ、夜も更けたな。そろそろ休むとするか……
Hanneman: My, look at the time. I really should retire for the evening.
アロイス: ハンネマン先生、いるか!
Alois: Professor!
ハンネマン: ふお!? し、心臓が……。いったいどこから現れたのかね……。
Hanneman: Oh my! Who's there? Alois? Well now, wherever did you come from?
アロイス: いや、普通に扉からだが。何を驚いているのだ。
Alois: I came in through the... door.
ハンネマン: ……突然、大声で呼ばれては驚きもする。この部屋では静かにしてくれたまえ。
Hanneman: Came through the— Try doing so with a bit less volume in the future. Now then, why are you visiting at such a late hour?
アロイス: うむ、貴殿に魔道を指南してもらいたい。もちろん、頼まれてくれるな?
Alois: I'm looking to enlist the services of a magic wielder. I thought you might be the man for the job.
ハンネマン: なぜ我輩が、騎士である君に魔道を教えねばならんのだ。
Hanneman: You're a knight, Alois. Why would I teach you magic?
アロイス: 貴殿は教師ではないか!
アロイス: かつて教鞭を執った身ではないか!
Alois: You were a teacher, weren't you?
ハンネマン: 魔法が得意な他の仲間を当たりたまえ。我輩は寝る……。
Hanneman: Perhaps you should ask one of your friends already trained in the magical arts. I am tired and would very much like to turn in for the evening.
アロイス: 待て待て待て。先ほど、貴殿が魔法の不得手な者を募集していると聞いたのだ。
Alois: Slow down there! I heard a rumor you were looking for novice magic users. Did I hear wrong, or am I just an unsuitable student? Were you hoping for another young girl instead?
ハンネマン: ああ……あの話を聞いてきたのか。
Hanneman: Ah... you heard about that, did you? I'm afraid that was simply for the purpose of my experiments. I had no intention of teaching anyone. Anyway, as I said, I am off to bed. Good night, Alois.
アロイス: 待て! 待つのだ、ハンネマン先生!
Alois: Wait! Hold on, Professor Hanneman. I'm no good at magic. And for a long time, I've been hoping to improve my skills. Some of the other knights look down on me for having no Crest and no magical skill. I can't do anything about the Crest. But the magic, maybe that's a different story. Please, I want to learn. You've got to help me.
ハンネマン: ………………。そこまで言うのなら、よかろう。
Hanneman: Ah, maybe I'm just a fool who goes soft in the face of someone's hunger for knowledge... I will help you. I cannot teach you any spells, but I can do my best to try and improve your magical affinity. Will that be enough?
アロイス: 構わん! 構わんとも!頼りにしているぞ!
Alois: Hah, of course, how marvelous! I look forward to training with you, then!
ハンネマン: ……うむ、任せたまえ。我輩にとっても、無益な話ではないのでね。
Hanneman: Very well. We will see what we can do. For now, I am off to bed, and you should do the same.
B Support
アロイス: ハンネマン先生!どうだ、私の成長っぷりは!
Alois: Professor Hanneman! What do you think of my progress so far?
ハンネマン: うむ、なかなかに苦戦している。道のりは遠く険しいようだな。
Hanneman: To be blunt, you are still struggling more than I would expect.
アロイス: そうか、先生!まだまだ私も精進が足らんなあ!
Alois: Ah, I see. I suppose I need to give it a little more of that Alois oomph!
ハンネマン: 成果が出ておらぬというのに、よくも挫けずに続けられるものだ。
Hanneman: How does someone remain so upbeat when they are accomplishing, well, absolutely nothing?
アロイス: 何か言ったかな?おっと、もしや新たな助言か!
Alois: Come again? I didn't quite catch that.
ハンネマン: いや、ただの独り言だ。気にしないでくれたまえ。
Hanneman: Just jabbering to myself. Pay me no mind.
アロイス: 相わかった。……そういえば、なぜ貴殿は私の申し出を断らなかったのだ?
Alois: All right. I've been wondering, why did you agree to train me in the first place? When I told everyone you were teaching me, ha! They could hardly believe it.
ハンネマン: 被験者を募っていただろう。君を使って実験をしているに過ぎん。
Hanneman: Well, if I'm completely honest, you're less of a student and more of an experiment. You have no Crest, but you might be able to learn magic... despite our early results. And the potential magical ability of those who lack a Crest is precisely what I hope to research.
アロイス: これは意外だな、紋章学者である貴殿が紋章を持たぬ者の研究をするとは。
Alois: That's a surprise. A Crest scholar researching people without Crests?
ハンネマン: 紋章を持たぬ、という条件がある以上は、紋章学者の領分だと思うがね。
Hanneman: When studying Crests, it is also important to understand the effects of their absence. After all, the very reason for all of my research is to grant the power of a Crest to anyone who desires it. If it is in fact possible to increase the magical potential of people lacking a Crest, then I find myself one step closer to my goal. Hence my experiments with you are quite valuable to my research.
Alois: Ah, that's wonderful! What a great man you are, Professor Hanneman. Truly, a man among men! Why, if I could prove it's possible to use magic without a Crest, what an honor that would be! Please, use me as you see fit! I won't let you down, I promise!
アロイス: 素晴らしい……!素晴らしいぞ、先生!
ハンネマン: アロイス君、気持ちは嬉しいが騒がしい。それにいまだ成果も出ては……
Hanneman: Could you express your enthusiasm more... quietly? And if at any point you wish to discontinue...
アロイス: いや、俄然やる気が出てきたぞ!私はやる! やってみせる!
Alois: Oh, no! I'm ready to go! Let's make a breakthrough! Come on, Hanneman! You should be shouting too! A bright future awaits!
ハンネマン: いや、遠慮しよう。
Hanneman: No. Shouts and screams are detrimental to scholarly research, and to my ears.
アロイス: ああ、そうだ! 私の他にも同じ悩みを抱えている仲間がいてな!
Alois: Oh, I meant to tell you. I have some friends who struggle with magic as well. I'll ask them to help! Perhaps if we all chip in, we can make your dream a reality. Onward!
ハンネマン: ……行ってしまったか。相変わらず人の話を聞かない男だ。
Hanneman: Alois:... Oh, forget it. That man never slows down. But I suppose I can appreciate why some are drawn to his... exuberance.